
Showing posts from November, 2021

Genetically informed, multilevel analysis of the Flynn Effect across four decades and three WISC versions - Giangrande - - Child Development - Wiley Online Library

Image Abstract This study investigated the systematic rise in cognitive ability scores over generations, known as the  Flynn Effect , across middle childhood and early adolescence (7–15 years; 291 monozygotic pairs, 298 dizygotic pairs; 89% White). Leveraging the unique structure of the Louisville Twin Study (longitudinal data collected continuously from 1957 to 1999 using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children [WISC], WISC–R, and WISC–III ed.), multilevel analyses revealed between-subjects Flynn Effects—as both decrease in mean scores upon test re-standardization and increase in mean scores across cohorts—as well as within-child Flynn Effects on cognitive growth across age. Overall gains equaled approximately three IQ points per decade. Novel genetically informed analyses suggested that individual sensitivity to the Flynn Effect was moderated by an interplay of genetic and environmental factors. ****************************************** Kev...

The Structure of Intrinsic Motivation | Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior

 The Structure of Intrinsic Motivation | Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior Abstract Intrinsic motivation (IM) is key for persistence at work. When they are intrinsically motivated, people experience work activities as an end in itself, such that the activity and its goal collide. The result is increased interest and enjoyment of work activities. In this article, we review the current state of knowledge on IM, including studies within organizational, cognitive, and social psychology. We distinguish our structural perspective, which defines IM as the overlap between means and ends (e.g., the means-ends fusion model), from content-based approaches to study IM. We specifically discuss three questions: ( a ) What is IM and why does it matter, ( b ) how can individuals and organizations increase IM, and ( c ) what biases and misconceptions do employees and managers hold about IM? Expected final online publication date ...