
Showing posts from September, 2022

What do undergraduates learn about human intelligence? An analysis of introductory psychology textbooks.

Image Human intelligence is an important construct in psychology, with far-reaching implications, providing insights into fields as diverse as neurology, international development, and sociology. Additionally, IQ scores can predict life outcomes in health, education, work, and socioeconomic status. Yet, students of psychology are often exposed to human intelligence only in limited ways. To ascertain what psychology students typically learn about intelligence, we analyzed the content of 29 of the most popular introductory psychology textbooks to learn (a) the most frequently taught topics related to human intelligence, (b) the accuracy of information about human intelligence, and (c) the presence of logical fallacies about intelligence research. We found that 79.3% of textbooks contained inaccurate statements and 79.3% had logical fallacies in their sections about intelligence. The five most commonly taught topics were IQ (93.1% of b...

The genetics of specific cognitive abilities - ScienceDirect

Posted this earlier in year when I saw in preprint.  Formal pub now out. Most research on individual differences in performance on tests of cognitive ability focuses on general cognitive ability (g), the highest level in the three-level Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) hierarchical model of intelligence. About 50% of the variance of g is due to inherited DNA differences (heritability) which increases across development. Much less is known about the genetics of the middle level of the CHC model, which includes 16 broad factors such as fluid reasoning, processing speed, and  quantitative knowledge . We provide a meta-analytic review of 747,567 monozygotic-dizygotic twin comparisons from 77 publications for these middle-level factors, which we refer to as specific cognitive abilities (SCA), even though these factors are not independent of g. Twin comparisons were available for 11 of the 16 CHC domains. The average  heritability  across all SCA...

Specific Learning Disability Identification in an RtI Method: Do Measures of Cognitive Ability Matter? - Hajovsky - Learning Disabilities Research & Practice - Wiley Online Library

 Specific Learning Disability Identification in an RtI Method: Do Measures of Cognitive Ability Matter? - Hajovsky - Learning Disabilities Research & Practice - Wiley Online Library This study examined the extent to which cognitive ability index scores predicted multidisciplinary teams' (MDT) SLD identification within a response-to-intervention (RtI) method after accounting for RtI slope and norm-referenced achievement scores. Results showed that four achievement composite scores (i.e., basic reading, reading comprehension, math computation, and math problem solving) and two cognitive ability index scores (i.e., crystallized ability, working memory) predicted MDT-determined SLD, explaining 81% of the variance. The inclusion of academic achievement and cognitive ability index scores predicted MDT-determined SLD with 90% accuracy; cognitive ability index scores only increased specificity (sensitivity = 95%; specificity = 79%). RtI slope did not pr...

g's little helpers – VOTAT and NOTAT mediate the relation between intelligence and complex problem solving - ScienceDirect

 g's little helpers – VOTAT and NOTAT mediate the relation between intelligence and complex problem solving - ScienceDirect Abstract Intelligence and complex problem solving (CPS) correlate closely, but little is known about the mechanism that translates intelligence into successful CPS. Therefore, this study considered the strategic exploration behaviors VOTAT (vary-one-thing-at-a-time) and NOTAT (vary no-thing-at-a-time) as possible mediators. A sample of 495 high-school students worked on nine CPS tasks, six of which with solely direct effects and three with direct and eigendynamic effects. We expected substantial mediation effects if the applied strategic behaviors were optimal to identify the particular underlying effect types (i.e., direct effects: VOTAT; direct and eigendynamic effects: VOTAT and NOTAT). The model for tasks with only direct effects revealed VOTAT and NOTAT to be substantial media...

Capital Defendants with Intellectual Disability | Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law

 Capital Defendants with Intellectual Disability | Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law In  Jackson v. Payne , 9 F.4th 646 (8th Cir. 2021), the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit affirmed the federal district court ruling that defendant Alvin Bernal Jackson was intellectually disabled and thus was ineligible for the death penalty. The Eighth Circuit found that the district court's ruling, which did not credit Mr. Jackson's adaptive functioning strengths, was consistent with Arkansas' statutory requirements and U.S. Supreme Court precedent. ****************************************** Kevin S. McGrew, PhD Educational & School Psychologist Director Institute for Applied Psychometrics (IAP) ****************************************** from IQ's Corner via IFTTT

Psychological assessment reports for linguistically minoritized clients: Considerations for ethical and professional practice. - PsycNET

 Psychological assessment reports for linguistically minoritized clients: Considerations for ethical and professional practice. - PsycNET Abstract According to the national census, approximately a fifth of the adult population in the United States uses a language other than English in their home. Less precise information is available regarding the language preferences of children and adolescents, D/deaf individuals, and other individuals in the United States who are not represented in national surveys. The field of psychology has increasingly acknowledged and addressed the lived experiences of culturally and linguistically minoritized individuals in the United States through relevant research and clinical practice guidelines. As a result, more accessible and equitable practices for psychological assessments have been developed when working with linguistically minoritized clients. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of information in the extant literat...