Processing Speed is Related to the General Psychopathology Factor in Youth | SpringerLink
Processing Speed is Related to the General Psychopathology Factor in Youth | SpringerLink The relationship between the p factor and cognition in youth has largely focused on general cognition (IQ) and executive functions (EF). Another cognitive construct, processing speed (PS), is dissociable from IQ and EF, but has received less research attention despite being related to many different mental health symptoms. The present sample included 795 youth, ages 11–16 from the Colorado Learning Disabilities Research Center (CLDRC) sample. Confirmatory factor analyses tested multiple p factor models, with the primary model being a second-order, multi-reporter p factor. We then tested the correlation between the p factor and a latent PS factor. There was a significant, negative correlation between the p factor and PS ( r (87) = -0.42, p < .001), indicating that slower processing speed is a...