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Gv-IM: Has the time finally come for Gv visual imagery tests?
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In our 2018 CHC chapter Joel Schneider and I made our long standing affection for visual imagery (Gv-IM per CHC taxonomy) very clear. See text excerpt below. (double click on images to enlarge)
Today I ran across a potential free PDF book (via Research Gate) that may make IM tests viable. There is hope.
from IQ's Corner https://ift.tt/3xrh9b0
via IFTTT https://ift.tt/3aBERXW
Valuing Educational Measurement - Sireci - - Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice - Wiley Online Library https://ift.tt/3tL81Mm Abstract The community of educational measurement researchers and practitioners has made many positive contributions to education, but has also become complacent and lost the public trust. In this article, reasons for the lack of public trust in educational testing are described, and core values for educational measurement are proposed. Reasons for distrust of educational measurement include hypocritical practices that conflict with our professional standards, a biased and selected presentation of the history of testing, and inattention to social problems associated with educational measurement. The five core values proposed to help educational measurement serve education are: (a) everyone is capable of learning; (b) there are no differences in the capacity to learn across groups defined by race, ethnicity, or sex; (c) a...
Cognitive Ability and Job Performance: Meta-analytic Evidence for the Validity of Narrow Cognitive Abilities | SpringerLink https://ift.tt/MKvbV1o Cognitive Ability and Job Performance: Meta-analytic Evidence for the Validity of Narrow Cognitive Abilities Christopher D. Nye , Jingjing Ma & Serena Wee Journal of Business and Psychology (2022) Cite this article 193 Accesses 1 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Cognitive ability is one of the best predictors of performance on the job and past research has seemingly converged on the idea that narrow cognitive abilities do not add incremental validity over general mental ability (GMA) for predicting job performance. In the present study, we propose that the reason for the lack of incremental validity in previous research is that the narrow cognitive abilities that have been assessed most frequently are also the abilities that are most highly correlated with GMA. ...
https://ift.tt/SzM63CI Human intelligence is an important construct in psychology, with far-reaching implications, providing insights into fields as diverse as neurology, international development, and sociology. Additionally, IQ scores can predict life outcomes in health, education, work, and socioeconomic status. Yet, students of psychology are often exposed to human intelligence only in limited ways. To ascertain what psychology students typically learn about intelligence, we analyzed the content of 29 of the most popular introductory psychology textbooks to learn (a) the most frequently taught topics related to human intelligence, (b) the accuracy of information about human intelligence, and (c) the presence of logical fallacies about intelligence research. We found that 79.3% of textbooks contained inaccurate statements and 79.3% had logical fallacies in their sections about intelligence. The five most commonly taught topics were IQ (93.1% of b...
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